2 September 2021 – Outlines – Some Reflections of Gérard Araud on his career as French Ambassador in Washington: How did he experience the election of Donald Trump?
“My career had started with the election of [Ronald] Reagan, and my career is finishing with Trump. From Reagan to Trump you have, more or less, the neoliberal era—taxes were bad, borders were bad, and you have to trust the market. It’s also the period of the triumphant West … that the West was in a sense doomed to win. That sooner or later all the world will march triumphantly, to the triumph of the market. And suddenly the election of Trump and the populist wave everywhere in the Western world is for me, and I may be wrong, but for me means that this period is over”.
By Yara Bayoumy, April 2019
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If you wish to organize a conference with Gérard Araud, contact Jean-Michel Dardour at 06 88 09 09 79